Tanya Cohen profile image

Tanya Cohen

Community Chest Durban & Pietermaritzburg

Personal Message:

There's nothing like the Comrades experience. It's an amazing journey - not despite - but because of our differences and how these come together in the long hours of training and on the day. Comrades is a microcosm of the best of South Africa and its people... resiliently and supportively working and striving towards a common finish line. Community Chest embraces this spirit and your contribution will be deeply appreciated and put to good use.

R25 000 of R15 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

23 Jun 2024



23 Jun 2024



11 Jun 2024

R1 000.00


07 Jun 2024

R1 000.00

Good luck Tanya and thanks for making a difference to a just cause ….

Aletta Raju

10 May 2024

R1 500.00

Melissa Middleton

26 Apr 2024

R2 000.00

First up run and your 3rd Comrades, only 7 left after this! So proud of you; what a great cause.

Marc, Ann, Joshua, Liam and Pink

12 Apr 2024

R10 000.00

All the best for the race Tanya - I will be rooting for you.