Tania Anderson profile image

Tania Anderson

Rise Against Hunger

Personal Message:

My name is Tania Anderson and this is going to be my 13th Comrades Marathon, therefore I have elected to raise much needed funds for the charity, Rise against Hunger. I am motivated to run the race for this charity since it is a way of giving back and sharing with those in need. I want to create a chain of kindness, so that friends and family will donate to my chosen charity and make my journey from Durban to Pietermaritzburg a little lighter knowing we are putting food on the table of those less fortunate that us. Thank you

R22 600 of R8 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

10 Jun 2024


You’re an inspiration!


09 Jun 2024


Jo Dix

08 Jun 2024


You’re a bloody legend. Massive inspiration Love you ma ❤️

Con & Lola

04 Jun 2024


You superstar ❤️

Caroline Drummond-Hay

31 May 2024


Give it horns as always coach!

Ram & Jo

30 May 2024


Good work love Rocky 🥊


30 May 2024

R1 000.00

Go superstar!!! We are so proud of you

Webb family