Lisa O'Reilly profile image

Lisa O'Reilly

Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust

Personal Message:

2023 Supporter, 2024 Runner!! After entering to race for charity last year, due to injury, I was unfortunately unable to run. In celebration of my 50th birthday this year, I would love to take on, and complete, the challenge of the Ultimate Human Race, and share my good fortune and health with those less fortunate.

R10 700 of R6 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

26 May 2024


We love you and will be with you every step of the way. Carry that 550 over the line

Dad & Channers

20 Apr 2024

R1 900.00

Well done for making a difference Lisa and for literally going the extra mile and blessing those less fortunate

Adrian Steven

15 Apr 2024


Lisa I am so proud of you. You are running like a demon. Your TTOM come back was so inspirational. I cannot imagine what doing the big C will be like but I can't wait to continue some training with you and cheering you on at the sidelines Xxxx

Wells Marie

11 Apr 2024



09 Apr 2024


Rob Johnston

09 Apr 2024


Anthony Ollsson

09 Apr 2024


Wishing you all the best!
