Kathryn van Dongen profile image

Kathryn van Dongen

Childhood Cancer Foundation (CHOC)

Personal Message:

I will be running with my dad as he attempts to complete his 50th Consecutive Comrades Marathon. It will be a privilege to be a part of such an amazing feat. As a mom, I can't imagine how hard it must be to have a little one suffering from cancer. I'd like to raise money for Choc and all the incredible work they do for precious little souls.

R18 850 of R10 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

08 May 2024

R1 000.00

What.A.Legend Love from the Louws

All the Louw clan

08 May 2024


What an amazing moment crossing that line will be!! Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it - one of the top Comrades moments of all time. All the very best on your journey to PMB.

Craig Raath

07 May 2024


Good luck Kath. You’ve got this and will be supporting you every step of the way.

James & Pippa

06 May 2024


What a special occasion! Will be cheering you and your dad on from the best seat in the house- right there with you on the road!


03 May 2024

R1 000.00

Great cause. Good luck for the race you both have this!

Mauritz van den Heever

03 May 2024


Such a good cause and a special occasion. Good luck!

Vee Strachan

03 May 2024


Graham Ransom