Kathryn Keeling profile image

Kathryn Keeling

Childhood Cancer Foundation (CHOC)

Personal Message:

I am a paediatric intensivsit at Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital, throughout my career in paediatrics I have treated children with cancer and so I have seen the incredible things CHOC can do for these children and their families. For some crazy reason I've been convinced to attempt a back to back medal so if I'm running another comrades best you believe I'll be doing it with the cow spotted team!

R7 600 of R6 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

26 Apr 2024


Have the most amazing Comrades! You got this friend! Loved running a portion of Oceans with you!

Amy Mackechnie

25 Apr 2024


Let's do this! So happy to be on this journey with you.

Kerry Gordon

24 Apr 2024


Go get 'em ! Proud of you

Charlie Roman

24 Apr 2024


Amazing Kath! All the best 🤗 Very inspirational 🩷


20 Apr 2024

R1 000.00

Up hill all the way, but i know you can do it. Good Luck. Xxx

Janice Osmond

20 Apr 2024


Midhya Naidoo

19 Apr 2024


Best of luck

Sean Harris