Inge Winter profile image

Inge Winter

Childhood Cancer Foundation (CHOC)

Personal Message:

On 18January 2024 I lost my father to cancer. Losing him has turned my world upside down as I have never experienced anything so painful as this. Running the Comrades on 9 June 2024 was at that stage not even an option for me as I just lost my biggest supporter, role model, motivator, mentor - my world - my father. As I came to terms with my loss I realised that my dad would not have been happy with my decision. We were not raised to give up when the going gets tough and now I am more than ever committed to finish my 10th Comrades marathon in memory of him and making him proud. I have been raising funds for Choc (childhood cancer foundation)before, but my recent experience made me even more committed to finish what I have started 12 years ago (thanks to the 2 lost years during covid) and that is completing my 10th journey between Durban & PMB. More and more families are being confronted with childhood cancer and as a mother of 2 girls and the trauma I personally experienced, I cannot even imagine what a parent / family member must go through when your child gets diagnosed with cancer. Being healthy and having an abled body, I feel that it is is a privilege to be running for something more than just myself! Your contribution towards this worthy cause will provide support to the affected families and patients - whether it is a nutritious meal, travel, accommodation or financial bereavement support. With your support we can make a small difference in the lives of those who are affected by cancer - those who might never have the privilege of living a normal life, something we so often take for granted. Let us help others in need, to love life. Ps: section 18A certificates available upon request.

R12 900 of R20 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

27 Apr 2024

R2 000.00

Go Inge!!!

Ruan and Quinique

27 Apr 2024

R2 000.00

"Life's not all downhill" 🏃‍♀️‍➡️

Jako & Lydia

22 Apr 2024

R1 000.00

Thank you for doing this for others and for inspiring so many, but also for doing something so powerful for yourself and your family. Your father was always so proud and will continue to be with you in heart and soul (sole!) - every step of the way! #NotAlone ***


15 Apr 2024


Go Inge, ons back jou! Jy is 'n inspirasie!


15 Apr 2024


Go Inge, i know you can do it. God bless.


15 Apr 2024

R1 000.00

Sterkte my vrou. Jy werk ongelooflik hard en jou hart sit in die regte plek.

Attie Winter

12 Apr 2024

R1 000.00

Dankie vir jou groothartigheid en bereidwilligheid om vir meer as net jouself te hardloop! Ons is trots op jou!
