Ian Kingon profile image

Ian Kingon

Rise Against Hunger

Personal Message:

Here we go again! Another opportunity to raise funds for the hungry! Oh, and also a small issue of pushing this old body 87km.... I'm grateful for each and every donation towards this worthwhile cause... thanks so much!

R16 680 of R20 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

28 May 2024

R2 500.00

Good luck! Cheering for you all the way and excited to see you after the grueling event!

Brad & Melis

06 May 2024


Good luck Ian. A great cause to support.

Nicola Murray

06 May 2024


Good going so far, Ian. Go get it!


03 May 2024

R3 500.00

Good luck as you now prep for Comrades! Gilly and Suzy xx


23 Apr 2024


Well done, Ian, you ran Two Oceans like a dream!

Rob and Anne

23 Apr 2024


Well done on achieving sub 6 hours at Two Oceans, so herewith my second donation. Now good luck for the sub 11 attempt at Comrades and my third donation - you better make it!


17 Apr 2024

