David Holliday profile image

David Holliday

Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust

Personal Message:

For the third consecutive year, I am lacing up my running shoes for a cause close to my heart—supporting HACT in the Comrades Marathon. HACT's incredible impact across KZN resonates deeply with me, as they tirelessly serve the community, making every supporter feel like a champion. My connection with them runs deep through my mother's longstanding relationship, forging an even stronger bond each year. I've witnessed firsthand the profound difference every donation makes to their cause.and is the reason I will always come back to run for them.

R5 850 of R8 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

08 Jun 2024


So proud of you Davie!

Robyn, Harrison and Mackenzie

03 Jun 2024


All the best 💪

Craig Snelling

30 May 2024

R1 000.00

Good luck David! Silver all the way!

Prime SA

29 May 2024


Go get that Silver! See you on the road!


26 May 2024


Good luck for the final stretch:)

Tamrin Holliday

09 May 2024


Have a great run David. I think your commitment is fantastic, donating with gratitude to this cause and you.


01 May 2024


All the best David, Love The Snelling's

Nadine Snelling