cindy nasser profile image

cindy nasser

Childhood Cancer Foundation (CHOC)

Personal Message:

You guessed it NAKANJANI (NO DOUBT) I'm doing it again. Running my second comrades while proudly supporting CHOC. I commit to put in the hard work needed to get me to the start line and then to give it my absolute all in this Ultimate Human Race running the 87kms from Durban to Pietermaritzburg. All I ask of you is to support me and how you can do that is by supporting my chosen charity CHOC. There is no donation that is not appreciated every bit helps and both CHOC and I are most grateful.

R6 550 of R6 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

25 Apr 2024


So proud of you and excited to do this together!

Kerry Gordon

18 Apr 2024


You are incredible!


13 Apr 2024


Let's do this! Back-to-back baby! You've got this Cindy!

Sarah Harrison

11 Apr 2024


Very best of luck. We'll be watching out for you Jan & Roland

Janet Sutherland

10 Apr 2024


Proud of you - push push push and try keep the toenails on Love you

Candice Toprek

11 Mar 2024


You going to be amazing 🤩

Michelle Fehrsen

11 Mar 2024


Good luck my friend

Sharon Buckley