Annie Miall profile image

Annie Miall

Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust

Personal Message:

Dear Supporters, Running for the Hillcrest AIDS Centre Trust (HACT) isn't just about covering miles; it's about covering ground in the fight against HIV/AIDS. HACT stands as a beacon of hope, providing vital medical care, counseling, and educational programs to combat the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS. As someone deeply connected to the cause, my journey with HACT began through my work as a researcher at the FRESH Clinic in Durban, South Africa. Here, I've had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the challenges faced by women living with HIV and the critical need for organizations like HACT. Through my research, I've seen the resilience and strength of these women, but I've also seen the gaps in access to essential services and support. That's why supporting HACT's mission has become deeply personal to me. It's not just about running a marathon; it's about running with purpose, running for those who may not have the opportunity to run themselves. When I lace up my shoes for Comrades, I do it knowing that I'm running for more than just myself. I'm running for those affected by HIV/AIDS, for their resilience and strength in the face of adversity. Join me in supporting HACT, and let's make a difference—one step at a time.

R3 800 of R10 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

25 Feb 2024


I am so proud of you Annie! I cannot wait to cheer you on every step of the way :)

Haley Dion

25 Feb 2024

R2 000.00

A donation on behalf of Katy. Thank you so much for your support! <3

Annie Miall

22 Feb 2024


Good luck Annie and thanks for supporting this cause!!

Josh Gammon

21 Feb 2024


Keep up the great work.

Seth Bloom

20 Feb 2024


Good luck Annie and thank you for supporting the wonderful work of Hillcrest AIDS center!

Suuba Demby

20 Feb 2024


alex shalek