Andrew Catlett profile image

Andrew Catlett

Childhood Cancer Foundation (CHOC)

Personal Message:

2023 saw me achieving a goal that was only a dream - finishing the Comrades Marathon. Being on a journey and having lost 60KG to achieve this has been an incredible one. And one where I can only be thankful everyday for my health and well being Some people, especially children with cancer are not so fortunate and face a battle each day to fight this illness. I have visited the Children's Cancer Ward at Greys Hospital and witnessed the desperation in the eyes of fathers and mothers as they witness their child fighting for their lives. That is why I have decided to once again run for charity at the 2024 Comrades and support CHOC as my way of giving back. Thank you for your support. Andy

R10 050 of R20 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

07 Jun 2024


Go Andrew - show us!!

Audrey Russell

04 Jun 2024


Good luck Andrew, you've got this!! So proud of you xx

Frances Weedon

27 Mar 2024


Good luck Andrew, you will smash this as you did last year, and all for an amazing cause!

Sarah Scott

27 Mar 2024


Best of luck Andy! You're remarkable!

Lyndsey Cassidy

13 Mar 2024

R1 000.00

Wishing you strength and endurance and success .

Beth Donovan

12 Mar 2024


You got this 💪

Chantal Webber

12 Mar 2024


Good luck Andy. So proud of you🎉

Debra Catlett